“Roasted Chicken with Vegetables and Dijon Mustard” and more from “Hot Sheet”

Kirstin: Well hello new favourite roast chicken recipe! The joy of this particular roast chicken dish is the salad you get by adding the roasted vegetables to kale and dijon mustard at the end. And the new ridged sheet pan (because give me all the sheet pans) crisped those potatoes up beautifully too.

But if you want to make another salad to complement this one, the Hot Sheet crew have you covered. Because they’ve snuck in some salad recipes at the end of the book. Here I give you their Simplest Arugula Salad.

OR what about trying their Fennel and Citrus Salad which has green olives and pine nuts to add texture and balance the acidity. And look how pretty it is!

Oh and for dessert, how’s about this Blackberry-Lemon Clafoutis? Which is not only stunning on the table but tastes amazing! It’s all Hot Sheet if you ask me!

“Roasted Chicken with Vegetables and Dijon Mustard” and more from “Hot Sheet”

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