“Quick Sheet Pan Chili” from “Hot Sheet”

Kirstin: To cook a meal on a sheet pan, or NOT, that is the question! Is there anything that cannot be cooked in this way? After making this chili recipe, that’s what I was asking myself. We loved this recipe. Who knew that cooking chili in the oven, on a sheet pan, would be such a revelation? The beauty of this recipe is that it is quick, there is less washing up, and the chili is also crunchier than it would be if it had been cooked in a casserole dish, due to the larger surface area of the pan for crunching it up. Yet it also retains its moisture, because using foil during some of the cooking process keeps the yummy liquid in. 

After my previous post about the difference between sheet pans and tray bakes, I started to think about what constitutes a sheet pan meal. It turns out that it needs to be cooked on a sheet pan (no, really), but one with a rim (to prevent everything dribbling off the sides), and it requires that at least one component be prepared on said sheet pan. Sounds easy, no? But it turns out that this formula can be applied to a surprisingly wide range of recipes, as this chili recipe shows. It is an art that this book has got covered. And I am here for all the #sheetpanlife

“Quick Sheet Pan Chili” from “Hot Sheet”

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