Our Verdict: Feast App

Kirstin: This is a really wonderful app and a great addition for anyone interested in having bonus foodie content on their phone. It’s well made with some especially user-friendly additions. I loved that you could toggle between ingredients and instructions. And the ability to add notes to the recipe was also a new feature that I have not seen on other food apps. I really liked seeking out recipes I was interested in cooking as I navigated around sections classified in a variety of ways and with all recipes well labelled for dietary requirements. But the thing I have most enjoyed is being inspired by so many of my favourite cooks. This is an app to watch as they gradually add more content. All this for the price of a hardbook cookbook.Let’s get Feasting!

Maureen: I think we’re going to have to agree to disagree, because while I think this app has potential, it’s not there yet. I’m a Guardian subscriber (pay for your news, friends!) so I get it for free, but I don’t think I would pay for it. Compared to the New York Times app, which I use all the time, it’s just not nearly as good. It crashed for me a few times– never ideal– and while it does have a whole stable of interesting food writers, the quantity of content isn’t there yet. On multiple occasions, I would go to try to find something and come up empty handed. Also, I hated the fact that you couldn’t save your recipes into folders, they all had to be added to the same “Favourites” spot. Needless to say, my saved recipes started to pile up and it made it more difficult to find the ones I wanted to see.

I think this has potential, but it’s not there yet. I like the idea, but the execution at the moment is lacking. I’m sure the Guardian will work on it, but for now, it won’t be my go to food app.

Our Verdict: Feast App

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