“Baked Feta and Dill Frittata” from “Feast App”

Sometimes, it’s got to be eggs for dinner.

You want something reasonably quick but reasonably good, and a little bit healthy won’t hurt either. You don’t want to eat a ready made because you’ve read enough ultra processed food horror stories by now, so it’s got to be something made with ingredients you can identify, so eggs it is.

For the record, given there’s massive slab of feta sitting in the middle of the frittata, I’m not sure how healthy it actually is, but it’s better than a microwaved curry.

Now I already have one gripe about this app, and I’m sure I’ll have a longer list by the end of the month, but it would really great if there were additional folders you could create under your saved recipes. At this point, I have quite a few in there, but it requires a fair amount of scrolling to find the one I want. If there were folders– like they have in the New York Times Food App (HINT HINT)– I could organise the dozens of recipes I’ve saved and find them much quicker.

Eggs for dinner for the win, however.

“Baked Feta and Dill Frittata” from “Feast App”

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